Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It is Official

I’m seriously going to do this. Today was the first day to register for the Chicago Marathon and I registered right at noon. No more “I think I’m going to run the Chicago Marathon” now it is “I AM going to run the Chicago Marathon”. I’m also registered for a 10 miler on Memorial Day weekend and a half-marathon in early September. Those will be my 3 races for 2012 and I will be ecstatic if I complete them all. The running bug has hit me hard. I just wish I had started this 10 or 20 years ago. And right now, I hope I can do it 20 or 30 more years.

This morning was another interval workout. This time I kept my running speed between 6.5 and 7.0 mph but mostly only ran 1 min intervals with a full minute of walking in between. I covered 6 miles in a little over an hour. I feel like I should be able to do so much more, but really it has only been 4 weeks since I’ve been consistent about running. Trying not to be pressured by the women and men, next to me at the gym, who can keep up a 7 min pace for an hour. I try to remember that they’ve probably been doing this for years. Having a competitive personality isn’t always a good thing. I think it will “feel” better when I get back outside. Then I will only be competing against myself and not others around me.

Diet Pepsi update. I have not had a Diet Pepsi since I posted, last week, about my addiction. Clearly public declarations work for me. Hoping this public blog works the same for sticking with the marathon goal.

Every morning I receive a quote from Runners World this morning’s quote, and I sure hope it is ok to repeat it here, was “Distance is one of the only things in life you truly earn. Anyone can give you nine pies, but no one can give you nine miles. Nine miles you have to take.” Marc Parent. Ain’t that the truth! Let’s go take nine!


  1. Seriously awesome. Forget about your time, just do it. I've got a knee that's been forcing me into 14 minute miles and I'm just at the point where I don't care. I'm outside, I'm running and I have a goal. That's all you need. Oh, and I'm soaking others on the internet for inspiration. :)

  2. Thanks Jeff. That is exactly what I am doing. I play with the faster running times while doing interval work to defeat boredom and to push myself. For the marathon, I have no time goal whatsoever just finish. I appreciate your support. At least you and I are out there, so many are on the couch.
