Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beta Blockers and Lights, Oh My!

It occurred to me, while out on a 5 mile lunch time run, why I can go forever but not at a high intensity. It's the beta blocker stupid! About 5 years ago, I started taking a beta blocker for high blood pressure and an arrhythmia and I have pretty much forgotten all about it. It does its job and doesn't cause me any grief. But, and this is a big but, it doesn't allow my heart to go above a certain rate and as such, at some level of intensity I don't get enough oxygen for what I'm asking my body to do. With an excuse in hand, I am now more comfortable about my walking intervals and the slow pace at which I run. So, I still call it running

It has been really nice to get back outside. Running on a treadmill is great (yes, I like the dreaded treadmill) but the only way to harden up those joints and ligaments is to hit the pavement. The marathon will not be run on a treadmill. I was pretty sore after Saturday's 9 miles on the road but am barely feeling today's quick 5. There really is something to be said for consistency. We all know it but I am currently proving it to myself

Do you run with lights even during the day? I do. I have a flashing vest that I wear at dusk but even at midday, I always wear a flashing light. I wouldn't think of biking without one and now I feel the same about running. I know it has caught the attention of a few they were about to hit me when they rounded a corner. Stay safe out there and wear light color, flashing lights, etc. Drivers are NOT looking for you unless they're runners

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