Friday, July 6, 2012

Week One

The restart is going well. Today I finished week one of the program with 30 min of 15 sec run/ 45 sec walk intervals. Some of those run segments were more like 20 sec as I couldn't get the touch pad on the treadmill to respond quickly. I'm trying to keep the run segments at or around a 9:13 pace. I have a little tightness in my leg after sitting for awhile but other than that, it's going well. Followed up the treadmill with weights

Temperatures are at inferno levels here in the Midwest. Having grown up in NY weather like this is unknown to me. I've lived in Chicagoland for nearly 25 years and although we've seen 100 before never multiple days of it. I find this really scary as I think this is how it will be for the rest of my life. Sure we will have a few cool summers but overall it will be warmer and warmer.

At least someone is enjoying the summer ...


  1. Hi Kristin. Good luck on the re-start.
    You may want to double check your run pace--especially coming back from an injury. A good source is the book Run Less, Run Faster. They have easy, tempo, and long run paces based off of one's most recent 5-K finish time. They also provide paces for speed work at distances of 400m, 800m, 1200m etc., again based of of the latest 5-K finish time.

  2. Thanks Sherry. I'm actually working with a program that Runners World had for coming back from an injury. I think I have the book you're suggesting. I will go back and take a look. I'm not good at moderation and need to really work at ....
