Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moderation Ain't My Style

I'm in the middle of week two of my comeback. I was so excited to run yesterday I KNOW that this is suppose to take time. I KNOW that I should stick to the plan. I KNOW that I should keep the running intervals short and the overall time low. BUT no, I had to run a few minutes straight rather than the predetermined 20 sec intervals, run the intervals at an 8:10 pace instead of a 10 min or greater pace and run an hour instead of 30 min. Today, I am a bit sore (I followed the run with weight training) and feel a few twinges in my leg but I think I survived my indiscretion. However, I think I was lucky. Tomorrow I go back on plan. But man it felt good to go a little faster and a little farther. Patience is not my strong point.


  1. I get it. Really I do. It's so very hard to hold back sometimes.

  2. Rock on, Kristin! One bit of advice that has helped me is from some RW sage: plan your run and run your plan. I'll admit that I'd LOVE to run footloose and fancy-free; but, I've come to the realization that I am and probably always will be in the Athena class, and not the faster one at that ( dammit!).
